KMC Digital Blog

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Blue Hotel Illustration

I haven’t posted in a long time. I set up this blog with the intention of updating it regularly, however it has not worked out that way, mainly due to other commitments (namely, my day job!). So today I thought… read more »

An article on thin line display issues when PDFs are viewed in Acrobat

An article on thin line display issues when PDFs are viewed in Acrobat

Do your PDF Line weights look wrong in Acrobat? A simple solution to Acrobat’s ‘enhance thin lines’ feature. Adobe Acrobat will sometimes add visible thickness to lines that fall into the category of requiring ‘enhancement’. This feature was added to… read more »

Illustration (Urban Theme)

Spirit of the Staircase (2D illustration) This is a section of a larger illustration I am working on. It is part of a series of 2D vector illustrations which I hope to post more of soon. This piece is entitled… read more »

Install Sass on macOS

This is a simple short guide on how to install Sass on your Mac. If you receive an error whilst installing Sass, this article should provide a quick and simple solution. At the time of writing I am using macOS Sierra 10.12.5.

How to install WordPress Locally (Windows PC)

The following guide will take you through the full process of setting up the server, creating a database and installing WordPress on your local computer. I create WordPress themes, and I do all of my development work on a local… read more »


Game prop – 80s VCR

Bob’s video recorder This is another prop I created for iOS game ‘The System‘ starring Bob Logan, out now on the Apple App Store. Bob is a computer scientist who is stuck in 1984, so it’s just as well he… read more »


Hello Dribbble

BBC Micro 32k on Dribbble This is a prop I created for my game The System. It’s also my debut shot on Dribbble. It’s the first of a series of Bob Logan’s gadgets that I’ll be posting here on the… read more »
